The educational app, Lucy's Globe, trains you in geography and foreign languages. This game is based on a globe and you must identify all of the countries, capitals, and states to progress. The game also has a magnification glass, which can help you spot small countries with smaller populations. You can even request a particular coordinate to see a map of a particular place. Once you learn where everything is located on the globe, you can easily locate Lucy's location on the map.
If you are using a Windows 10 PC, you should download the app from a reputable website. Make sure you run antivirus programs before downloading any applications. Once you download the app, open it by saving it to the Downloads folder or Desktop. To install it, open it from your Windows 10 PC. To uninstall it, click on the Yes button. If you have a Mac or Linux computer, you can also download Lucy's Globe from its official website.
The educational application is made for children and adults and is a great way to teach geography. Students will learn how to identify countries, their boundaries, and the names of the seas and oceans. It will help you improve your geographical knowledge and build your vocabulary in several languages. The puzzle mode lets you identify small countries. Other features include the superficie of paises and the density of populations. This is a very fun, unique way to learn about the world's regions.